The Fitness Advisory - from Joey Atlas

Proper Mindset + Wise Nutrition + Smart Exercise = Fitness Success For You

Thursday, December 07, 2006

Joey Atlas Shot Twice, Brother Ends Up In Hand Cuffs

OK - lots to talk about today regarding your fitness - but before I clarify the Title you see above, here is a quick but IMPORTANT NOTE.

NOTE - I am working day and night on the new membership site - it is going to be truly amazing - it won't just knock your socks off when I pull the curtain back to reveal it - this project is going to blow your socks up to the moon. I will be launching it in the first week of January - and if you become a Charter Member, you will be automatically signed up (At No Charge!!, Thats right , Free!!) for a $597.00, 12-week Fitness Tele-Coaching Program that starts in the 2nd week of January. What a great way to start the New Year, right? STAY TUNED...)

PS - the offer will be available to all subscribers regardless of location (all countries) but I dont know if all countries will have access to the Tele-Coaching bonus - we'll see.

One of the biggest 'fitness complaints' is lack of energy. Most clients I've worked with have checked off 'I want to have more energy.' on their initial evaluation forms.

Most of the time the right fitness program with wise nutrition habits can bosst overall energy levels astronomically...

However there are certain instances where even very fit people can feel as if they have no energy at all. This was me a few years ago.

I would have bouts of full body, extreme fatigue and sleepiness. I would literally need to lie down and go to sleep sometimes right in the middle of the day - and this was not typical of me at all.

I let it go on for a while - but then decided I needed to be 'checked out' - based on my knowledge of allergies and my history with them - I decided to see an allergist.

I went thru the whole skin testing profile of every type of alergen in the environment - and we found out I was allergic to 37 'things' that are in our daily environment. The only logical treatment for this type of allergy profile is immunotherapy (IT) - of which I am a very BIG fan off.

IT. is not a symptom treating drug it actually fixes the source of the problem - it operates more like a homeopathic remedy is supposed to.---> for abut 12 weeks the Drs would actually inject the things that I am allergic to, into my body in very small amounts - but slowly increasing the amounts over time.

Eventuallly I would go every other week then every 3 weeks and know I go every 4 weeks - and each injection holds my highest dose of allergens for my maintenance stage - I get 2 shots, 1 in each arm (this is where I got the first half of my headline) - and they are so small, its hard to tell when the needle is in.

And the effects have been incredible - no more body busting fatigue and extreme sleepiness - high energy all the time. A tremendously helpful element in my fitness lifestyle.

I highly recommend immunotherapy to anyone with mulitple allergies who is a good candidate for the treatment (most people with allergies are).

So - now you are thinkin, "What about your brother ending up in handcuffs, Joey?"

Take a look here at my brother, Domenick:

The photo was taking a few years ago after, Domenick was cuffed and put into the back of the Police car in front of the house where we all grew up (we have a sister too, I'll get her on here soon enough.)

Any way - it was a happy day, very funny, lots of laughs the day Domenick had this photo taken. (I wasnt there, hence the photo for me - and I still laugh every single time I look at it - I keep it on my desk with photos of the rest of the fam...)

See, my brother is one of the funniest kid's (he's 33) on earth - he has put me in tears on many occasions & still can (and yes, I've done the same for him.)

Take a closer look: (and keep in mind, he's reading this too, with all 74,000 worldwide subscribers - so I know he's laughing pretty hard right now knowing how many people are seeing this.)

A police friend had stopped at the house, while he was out of the car, Dom got out a hat, pulled out a set of fake teeth (look at those babies!) took Randi's cuffs - climbed into the back seat and told my siste Marisa to take a few snapshots. Freakin' Hilarious !!

And if you know Dom - its that much funnier - thats why I laugh everytime I look at it.

Alright enough of the funny stuff - Dom is also in the fitness business - he's a great trainer and medical rehab specialist (and a great family guy too).

I plan too get some more photos (and some fitness tips from him) up of the 'other real Dom' and possibly an audio interview to be hosted via the new membership site in January.

Don't Be Like Everybody Else... Be Fit !
Joey Atlas - The Fitness Shaman


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