The Fitness Advisory - from Joey Atlas

Proper Mindset + Wise Nutrition + Smart Exercise = Fitness Success For You

Monday, June 12, 2006

The Before And After Project - Step 2

This is unbelievable - I've already started receiving emails from some of you getting great results & we only started a week or two ago !! Just keep it up the best is yet to come.

Anyone having trouble 'making things happen', just keep going - sometimes the body is 'stubborn' & you have to 'outlast' the resistance - once you get things moving, you just keep the momentum going - until later, when we just set things on 'cruise control'.

OK - so by now everyone should have taken 'before' photos - please save them in a file for this project - Try not to send anything to me until we wrap things up at the end of September. I want you to knock my socks off when I see the difference !!

You should have gotten yourself into a simple journal/tracking habit - if you haven't, start today - THIS IS IMPORTANT - putting things on paper has an effect on the mind much more powerful than just thinking about it.

In Step 1 I told you I would answer these questions:
-Why I am doing this for you.
-What does "The Blow-Torch" mean - how I got the name.
-Seeing fast progress.
So here are the answers...

1) Why Am I Doing This?
- I get a staggering amount of email (questions) every day from my customers (and 'Secrets of a Trainer' subscribers) asking for advice - most of the questions have to do with putting EVERYTHING together and making consistent progress that is permanent. I know that a coaching program is needed and even though I've done these before (on a smaller scale) I wanted to do a 'test run' to get a feel for communicating through the online methods. This 'Project' is actually what I am going to build my coaching service around.

- This past year has been amazing - thanks to you who have purchased my programs I have been able to help many more people as compared to training 10 people per day in a one on one setting - and as a 'thank you' I thought it would be fitting that I offer this first coaching program at no charge to any of my customers who need/want this kind of support and fuel for motivation.

- And, of course, we are all on a mission to turn my first book into an Amazon Bestseller with all of your inspiring, life-changing 'Before And After Stories And Photos'.

2) What Does 'The Blow-Torch' Mean?
- We all know how hot a blowtorch burns & burning hot is what we want our metabolisms to do, all the time. Using a descriptive name gives our metabolism a more concrete identity, it becomes less ambiguous. And by making it a more tangible object, we can exhibit more control over it.

- I used this term when I began to prepare for competitions (in my younger years). "Its time to ignite my blow-torch." My mindset would help me focus on 'seeing' my metabolism as something that I could control through the combination of certain thoughts and actions - this is something anyone can do.

- Once ignited, 'The Blow-Torch' can burn forever - as long as you provide it with the fuel. I will talk more aobut 'the meaning' in 'The Book'.

3) Seeing Fast Progress
- Many of you are already experiencing this. All you have to do is keep it going - you are doing all the right things - don't let anybody derail you of your efforts. If you leave your friends in the dust - so be it - they also have a choice to take care of themselves just like you are doing.

- If you are not seeing fast progress, don't worry - even a little bit of progress can snowball into very big changes - So focus on the things that are going right and keep building on those. If you have certain challenges send me an email & let me know what they are - keep in mind I cannot respond to you individually as it is humanly impossible - but I will address your emails in future 'Steps'.

For the rest of this week - keep doing what you are doing - if you want to spend more time exercising - just listen to your body - if you are not too tired or sore then go ahead and stay active !! On Friday morning WEIGH YOURSELF & record your weight AND your other measurements. THEN on Monday morning do the same exact measurments & record you results. Knowing you are going to do this will help keep you focused over the weekend.

Any opportunity to 'mess up' over the weekend is also an opportunity for you to prove to yourself how serious you are about your fitness, your health, your life (mind, body spirit).

Remember, TAKE THE ACTIONS THAT ARE IN LINE WITH GOALS YOU ARE AIMING FOR (the ones you wrote down and commited to) - DO THIS AND YOU CAN"T "MESS UP".

To close this 'Step' out - please refer to Step 1 and read the part about old photos and visualizing your transformation.

One last note - Print out each of these steps as you receive them and keep them in a binder or folder - use them to make notes on, questions, reminders, etc. - THIS WILL BE EXTREMELY HELPFUL AS THE WEEKS PROGRESS - you will want to refer back to these.

That's it for now - KEEP IT UP and stay tuned !!
Joey Atlas - The Wizard of Fitness (please excuse ANY typos)


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