The Fitness Advisory - from Joey Atlas

Proper Mindset + Wise Nutrition + Smart Exercise = Fitness Success For You

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Yes - the Holidays are Here...

No major 'fitness info' today - except for me working ard on the New Joey Atlas Member Interactive Website - to be massively launched on January 1st or 2nd.

Most people don't know this, but I used to be a blonde when I was younger:

Just kidding - thats actually my son, JoJo, (he dyed his hair blond yesterday 'for football' season) - he's 'helping' me today (we just took the photo about 7 minutes ago) at the office - giving me his great input on the new site, etc. - the kids are out of school, lots of things going on this time of year that take our normal routines and shake 'em up a bit.

Darah is home sick with Mom (my wife Jeri-Jo), and Alexa is at a friends. Here is one of our recent Christmas photos (a little blury, but you get 'the picture'):

We all wish you and your family a Merry Christmas (or whichever version of it you celebrate) & a Happy, Prosperous and 'Fit' New Year.

Just two more notes:

1) 'Secrets of a Trainer' e-newsletter will pick back up again soon - But my amin focus is to get the new website 'ready enoug' to release to the public on January 1st or 2nd - its going to be truly incredible.

2) Here is one more photo - its a photo of one of my favorite places:

An incredible International Company...

Many of you already know Costco gets one of my highest recommendations for home fitness equipment - Additionally they have a great selection of some incredible fitness foods - all of them to be featured and profiled in the members area of the new website in 2007. They also publish a fantastic monthly magazine for members called 'Costco Connection' - if you are a member dont forget to pick up and read yours in January. Members can also request a free subscription to be mailed to you.


Be Fit !

Joey Atlas


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