The Fitness Advisory - from Joey Atlas

Proper Mindset + Wise Nutrition + Smart Exercise = Fitness Success For You

Saturday, January 06, 2007

FDA Approves Diet Drug, Slentrol

FDA Approves Diet Drug, Slentrol

The government approved the first drug for obese canines on Friday. Called Slentrol, the Pfizer Inc. drug is aimed at helping fat Fidos shed extra pounds.

The liquid drug appears to reduce the amount of fat a dog can absorb. It also seems to trigger a feeling of satiety or fullness, according to the FDA.

The prescription drug also can produce some unfortunate side effects, including loose stools, diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy and loss of appetite.

And it's not for dog owners. The FDA discourages the drug's use in humans and lists a litany of side effects should anyone ignore that advice.

Like all diet drugs, Slentrol is meant to be part of an overall weight management program that includes a complete and balanced diet and exercise, according to its label. Slentrol is not a cure for obesity; its effects cease within a day or two of stopping treatment.

Joey's Comments: "It won't be long before this one finds it's way into the 'black market'. There are dozens of drugs, orals and injectables, that are 'for animals only' that humans take for fat loss or muscular enhancement. The 'fitness pharmaceutical' underground has ways of bringing new products into it's distribution system - and there are plenty of customers 'willing to take a chance'...


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