The Fitness Advisory - from Joey Atlas

Proper Mindset + Wise Nutrition + Smart Exercise = Fitness Success For You

Friday, April 06, 2007

The Fitness Trouble I Go Through...


The Fitness Trouble I Go Through...

Well, its really no trouble at all - although many others would have a different opinion.

One of the main ways I reach new people with my brand of realistic and effective fitness principles is by educating and enlightening first and then offering help via my freebies and DVD products. Most of this happens via the internet where people sit down at their computer and type in a search phrase or keyword.

Now, there are hundreds and hundreds of keywords that describe the programs I produce - and quite often people will use different words to describe the same thing. For example someone may search for 'fitness videos' while someone else may search for 'workout dvds' or 'exercise videos'...

...all can mean the same exact thing - so when I write an article - I usually write it with each synonym in mind so that I can put together several variations of the article. Now, when people search for a topic, using their own words to define the topic I have a better chance of connecting with that person and helping to educate them on the topic they are seeking information on.

Here is a perfect example: (feel free to click the links to read the articles)

Fitness DVDs

Exercise Videos

Exercise DVDs

Workout DVDs

Some would say this is a waste of time to repeat all of this - but the truth is, it's not. I am reaching so many more people by doing this, that would not have found the info they were seeking if I had not made several variations of the same article.

Don't Be Like Everybody Else... Be Fit !

Joey Atlas


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