The Fitness Advisory - from Joey Atlas

Proper Mindset + Wise Nutrition + Smart Exercise = Fitness Success For You

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Before And After Project - Step 7

First things first - Comments and a few questions answered...
1) OK - 'The Fitness Messiah' will not be used - enough said
... maybe 'The Fitness Mentor' (The Wizard of Fitness is still in the lead).

2) With every passing month, the addition of several hundred new clients (DVD purchasers) and several thousand new subscribers to 'Secrets of a Trainer' is bringing in a staggering amount of email - please understand I do read all of them, but it would be humanly impossible to answer all of them - so do not take it personally if you do not get a direct response from me. I am brainstorming a few ways to give you the opportunity to take advantage of Q & A type program with me - so stay tuned for that.

3) Here is a question that came in yesterday which I though would be wise to answer via this issue of the newsletter (I think this person is a new subscriber...):
'Hi Joey, what exactly do you sell? I need help with my fitness. Can you help me?'

- Now, some people quickly skim websites and do not pick up the important points during the first read. No problem - thats exactly why I put my email address and phone number on all web pages. So I can answer your questions...

Here is the answer: Currently, I sell several DVD fitness training programs for both men and women. The programs follow the model of gradual progression and are being successfully used by fitness beginners as well as seasoned fitness enthuiasts. I can help you with your fitness... IF you are TRULY ready to achieve fitness success.
The DVD programs are all available via the main website (see link below).

This is a perfect segway into 'Step 7' of the Before and After Project'...

Above I mention 'TRULY ready...'

A good handful of you have made incredible progress since this started (as has been indicated by your emails) and I am very excited about reading your success stories and seeing your before and after photos.

For those of you who have been struggling with your fitness commitment - I will share with you the common thread shared by those who are 'doing well'.

Those who are making great progress are learning about the psychological aspect of the fitness commitment. These people are 'getting it'. They are understanding that being fit is more a function of how you think as opposed to what you do and what you eat. In other words...

Without the right mindset - you stand a sure chance of experiencing fitness failure (remember failure is only temporary - unless you allow it to be permanent, its simply a decision you make, followed by specific, planned actions [temporary failure]).

And in every failure - you have to draw from it, a lesson learned that provides you with more wisdom about YOURSELF.

Backing up to the phrase 'truly ready' - what I mean here is 'Do you have the true desire to improve your life and your well-being [physical, mental, spiritual].] And are you ready to go through the thought processes necessary for continuous behavior conducive to bringing you closer and closer to 'your ideal level of fitness'.

This is the 'quick fix' or the 'magic fitness pill' that most people pray for - its in your mind - waiting for you to tap into it. Its more powerul than anything on the shelves at GNC or any product in a farfetched infomercial or magazine ad.

If your desire is deep and strong to 'be the best you can be' - gathering the rest of the ingredients becomes very easy and natural. Yes - it may require some perisistence but we all have unlimited amounts of that too.

So I end Step 7 with this:

Participants who are 'getting it' - keep it going and look areas where you can improve - for example - last weekend we finally cleaned out our pantry. Took out all foods that did not fit into our family health goals. Things with MSG - food colorings & things we could not pronounce, etc - went into the garbage.

We now stock up with more and more natural, organic & whole grain type foods.
(A note - removing alot of these 'foreign substances from your diet allows your body to be leaner, more toned and more ENERGETIC - try it and see for yourself).

For those of you who have 'fallen off' - take some time to think about what you want to acheive in terms of your health and fitness AND more importantly... WHY?

Write this stuff down - write ALL of the reasons why you want to look good, feel good and get great health profile results every time to receive a full physical. Write them all down - even if you think it may sound selfish - its OK to be 'selfish' with your well-being because its only your responsibilty and nobody elses.

Now get your journal and pen and start writing your future.

Don't Be Like Everybody Else...

Be Fit!
Joey Atlas - 'The Fitness Mentor'


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