The Fitness Advisory - from Joey Atlas

Proper Mindset + Wise Nutrition + Smart Exercise = Fitness Success For You

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

'Secrets of a Trainer'

Here is this week's main issue of:
'Secrets of a Trainer' published by: Joey Atlas

- My Public Confession...

Over the course of eight weeks in the summer 1991, I completely took apart a human body. From skin to organs and limb by limb, like a surgeon, I carefully cut my way through all layers of the body. At first I really didn't want to do it, but I had no choice. And once I got into, I actually started looking forward to doing more and more.

A lot of people already know I did this. As a matter of fact, there were six other people involved in this undertaking. We made a pact and we all stuck to it, until the job was done and we could cleanly dispose of the body.

At the end of eight weeks we all congratulated each other and waited to see who was gong to be in trouble and who would be able to walk away without a problem.

I was one who walked away without a problem. I got an A.

You see, this was an eight week Med. School level gross anatomy course and if we wanted to graduate, with an Exercise Physiology degree, we each (in groups of 7) had to disect a cadaver and learn every function of the human body while we were at it.

(A special 'thank you' to the gentleman who donated his body to science which gave me the opportunity to learn more about the human body than I could ever imagine.)

So, what does this mean to you?

At the beginning of the eight weeks, on Day # 1 - we were all 'introduced' to our cadavers - 150 college seniors preparing to enter a medical lab with stainless steel tables with covers - under which, the bodies were stored in large plastic bags.

Some people were getting quesy in the hallway, a handful got lightheaded as we entered the lab, a few fainted as we all opened the stainless steel covers and a couple of students burst into tears, running for the doors as we were instructed to remove the plastic bags which enclosed the cadavers.

Most of these people recovered just fine, and everyone was able to regain their composure and finish out the eight weeks. Not every body passed - the grades ranged from A's to F's with most falling in the middle somewhere.

Nowe, here's the point - on the surface it appeared we were all starting in the same position and at the same level - but by emotional and physiologic reactions alone, it was clear that we had students at many different 'levels'.

Some completely frightened and unsure, and some absolutely at ease and quite confident where they would stand at the end of the eight weeks.

But in the end none of this really mattered - because everybody moved forward in some way. Even the people who failed the class moved foreward. They learned about gross anatomy and more importantly they learned about themselves and became a stronger wiser person because of the whole experience.

And how does this relate to fitness? There are many people reading this e-newlsetter (close to 50,000) and I can assure you, the fitnes levels range from minimal to phenominal. But here is the common thread - it doesn't matter where you 'starting point' is - you can always learn more & develop more wisdom to move foreward in your endeavors.

Its not always easy & you may feel that all your failed attempts are a message for you to quit. But if you can look at a failed attempt and take form it, a lesson to help you be better prepared for your 'next try' - then you have not failed, you have not given up.

For those who are very fit - success can still be found. Maybe you devote too much time to 'working out' and it interferes with your family or professional life and relationships - and your success can be in a better 'fitness solution'.

Maybe your current program is causing you more aches and pains than it is doing you good - and you wish you could find an alternative way to stay fit and healthy.

All these answers exist - it is up to you to seek them out with your best judgement.

Don't Be Like Everybody Else...

Be Fit,
Joey Atlas - The Fitness Mentor
PS - 'The Fitness Messiah' didn't go over too well yesterday, thanks for all the great feedback.

(c) All Rights Reserved. Joey Atlas


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