The Fitness Advisory - from Joey Atlas

Proper Mindset + Wise Nutrition + Smart Exercise = Fitness Success For You

Friday, August 18, 2006

The Before And After Project - Step 8

Before I get into Step 8, I have a few quick points to make.

1) The Before and After Project is not necessarily about 'losing weight' - for some maybe it is - for others it could just be toning up and for most it should be seeing 'total fitness' in a whole new light - maybe learning what realistic fitness actually is, as opposed to what you may have 'learned' from others over the years, etc...

2) Thanks for all the great feedback regarding the ideal match between my 'gymless' BodyWeight workouts and certain branches of the military in the US and abroad - we are seeking inroads to the 'decision makers' as I write this.

3) As a result of #2 above, I also received a good number of emails form other 'public safety' personnel - especially law enforcement, and the need for simple yet effective conditioning programs AND nutrional guidance - any more feedback (testimonials) from our L.E. clients would be quite helpful as we are in talks with several organizations to package my workouts as a total solution for L.E. personnel.

Ok - here is Step 8 of 'The Before And After Project':

With about 4 weeks to go before all participants are supposed to turn in your before and after photos and success stories - your subconcious may be telling you, 'the end is in sight' - now, I know this may not be true for everybody.

In actuality, this should be seen as just 'the beginning' - think of this as you getting off to an ideal start on your path to permanent fitness. As most of you have come to realize - true fitness is just as much - if not more - a state of mind, as it is a number on the scale or 'how you look' in the mirror. Its everything - its how you feel, its how you take care of yourself, its not letting your workouts rule your life at the expense of all the other aspects of your life, and those around you. Its about how you feel about YOU...

When the mind is in the right place - you just do all the right things - and when you 'mess up' - its no big deal because 99% of the time you are doing the right things.

For those who have hit a 'plateau' - don't worry about it - just keep doing what you are doing, plateaus are natural - and if you feel 'stuck' for too long just add a little to your workouts or change the time of day you do them - in other words inject some variety - maybe even tinker with your foods...

Just don't be too critical of yourself - look at the BIG PICTURE - long term goals...

Any Joey Atlas clients/customers who are interested in getting into the book (who are not doing the Before And After Project) may do so by writing a 'success story' about how my DVDs/philosophy/Blow-Torch diet or anyone of those has helped you reach your goals or get much closer to your goals - or even understand what fitness is really about. You may include photos - but I can't guarantee that all photos will be in the book - space is a consideration - but we will try our best.

I look forward to and appreciate all feedback - please just keep in mind I get hundreds of emails daily & can't respond to all of them.

Stay tuned for more info regarding new fitness materials from me (based on alot of client feedback & suggestions) which will be set for release in early 2007.

Don't Be Like EveryBody Else... Be Fit !

Joey Atlas - The Wizard of Fitness
PS - for all newcomers - you can order all dvds from the sites below:

Athletic Legs For Men


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