The Fitness Advisory - from Joey Atlas

Proper Mindset + Wise Nutrition + Smart Exercise = Fitness Success For You

Friday, September 01, 2006

The Before And After Project - Step 10

Here is Step 10 of 'The Before And After Project:
For all new subscribers, you can read Steps 1 - 9 at the Official Joey Atlas Blog:

And you can learn what the 'B & A Project' is at:
Ok - Here is step 10 - 'Habits'

I'm still gettting alot of enthusiastic 'Yes!' responses from many of you who are 'still in this' - along with some great feedback and early success stories. One of the common threads in all of the incoming emails is the replacement of 'bad habits' with 'good habits'.

Now this can mean different things for different people - but one thing is for sure - those who are finding success have incorporated new habits into their lifestyles, which are conducive to improvements in health and fitness (which also means different things to different people, a good thing...).

So, 'Whats the big deal?', you ask.

Well, in order for this to have any meaning to you and whoever you pass today's piece of 'fitness wisdom' on to, we must know what a habit is and how it 'becomes a habit'. A habit is basically a physical manifestation of your mindset. And a habit becomes a habit by way of your proactive control of your thoughts. Good habits don't just happen by accident - they happen because you decided to make them happen.

Thats a simple definition - but that is all that is needed here.

What seperates the people who achieve permanent fitness success from those who do not - is usually (and there are always a few exceptions) a function of 'the mindset' which dictates what habits will be exhibited, good ones or bad ones.

As your 'instructions' for Step 10, reflect, and write in your fitness journal how your mindset has changed, and how your new mindset controls your new habits. Then read what you have written (add more if you wish) and use those thoughts and the words you have put on paper to strengthen your new mindset and the new you.

Now get to it !

Before I go, here's a bonus for you. I just submitted a press release based on a report that was released last week citing how obesity is on the rise. Now, I know there are many different readers of this e-newsletter and some of you are quite fit and not overweight (there are many pro trainers that subscribe to this) - but keep readng to learn how you can use this info to help others around you who may be challenged by this epidemic.

I believe that one of the main reasons for the spread of obesity is the lack of attention given to address the 'mindset' of those who need help. There is a ton of info regarding 'do this, do that, don't do this, eat that not these, etc. etc. - but all that stuff is worthless until the 'state of mind' is addressed. As most of you know my 'philosophy' is quite different than that of most, if not all, other fitness pros out there. Yes, my actual fitness programs are unique, but they are so because of the part they play in letting people know there is a 'different way' to do this.

What does this mean to you?

Over the past several months I've been paying close attention to email inquiries and origin of dvd sales - specifically, how people have been 'finding me'. There is a clear and powerful trend of more and more people finding me by way of good old fashioned 'word of mouth' - i.e. - you are telling our friends, family members and co-workers about my e-newsletter and/or the dvds. On the business side of the picture we call this a 'virus'.

Of course its a good virus and it only spreads if it starts from something beneficial and helpful. This is how we can all band together to fight some of the ills out there. Whether its my stuff or someone elses out there, if you trust it and you believe it is helpful, pass it on to those who can may be able to benefit from it. It will come back to you many times over.

Yes, sending this no-cost e-newsletter to over 50,000 people around the world does cost me money - but the more I share, it seems the more good is coming back to me - proof positive ! So pass it on as a gift...

Thanks for spreading the word and keep it up.

Gotta run. Stay tuned...

Don't Be Like Everybody Else...

Be Fit !

Joey Atlas - 'The BodFather'
'I'm Gonna Make You An Offer You Shouldn't Refuse.'


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