The Fitness Advisory - from Joey Atlas

Proper Mindset + Wise Nutrition + Smart Exercise = Fitness Success For You

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

**'Secrets of a Trainer'**

Here is this week's live issue of: **'Secrets of a Trainer'**

- Joey Atlas Goes From Homeless To World Recognized Fitness Expert

Its never a 'perfect' time for many of the things we do in life. In 1999 I divorced my wife of 5 years. It was an 'unhealthy' marriage that slowly wore away at my spirit, and this started to manifest in actual physical symptoms and I knew it was time, there was no other option.

The divorce occured when JoJo and Alexa were almost 2 and 4 years old (far from perfect timing). I had been 5 months delayed in opening my new personal training facility and because of this we were living on credit cards and more credit cards with debt adding up very, very quickly.

Because the business was brand new - income was slow and profits were extremely tight. Because of this, I knew I wouldn't have enough money to afford a place to live
for a while.

So, on the evening of my decision, I went to the only place I could - to my training facility. Living in this biz location was prohibited in my lease agreement, but I had no choice. And as tough as it was, not to be able to spend the night under the same roof as my kids, I immediately felt 'myself' coming back, my spirit rebuilding.

I lived in the training facility for a year and 4 months, sleeping in the massage room on a massage table. The biggest challenge (for MANY reasons) was getting JoJo and Alexa every other weekend, staying in hotels, trying to find help while I worked, etc... But they needed me as much as possible and I needed them, so we did what was necessary to make it through week by week.

There were times when I would think things through. 'What if the biz doesn't make it - how will I get out of this place? What if I have to work in a field that I do not have passion for just to pay the bills?' But I also knew I had the power to choose what would happen, what my future would hold - and that is what I would focus on and continuously envision and work toward.

Part of my vision was and still is, helping people around the world find newer and better ways to achieve fitness.

I put so much energy into my training business that there were periods of time where I had no choice but to put new clients on a waiting list. There were some days when I would train people from 5 am unitl 10 pm, back to back with 2 or 3 thirty minute breaks somewhere in the day. I was, and still am, completely grateful that I was blessed with such an abundance of people who wanted what I had to offer.

Since those wire to wire days of 2000, I have met my perfect mate, Jeri-Jo, we live in a great neighborhood with our daughter, Darah, and we've had alot of quality time with JoJo and Alexa who live just a few miles from us.

I've transformed my business to complement our lives and provide me with the means necessary to deliver my knowledge and expertise to people all over the globe. I have truly lost count of the number of countries that we have shipped DVD packages to and I'm happily emabarrased to say that we've shipped packages to places that I've never even heard !

I get emails day and night from people thanking me for how I've helped them find success with regards to their fitness - this is one of the things I envisioned laying on that massage table (my bed) in a room just thirty feet from Starbucks.

Getting divorced and being homeless was not easy to step into - but there were many benefits that came out of the experience. It helped me focus on what I wanted most out of life. It helped me learn that where your mind is, holds the most importance beyond any physical situation we are presented with. My spirit began to grow again - and I knew whatever I learned from the experience I would be able to pass on to my kids in some beneficial way.

What can you take from this? Well, keep in mind that there is a vast array of people reading this with you. Some have yet to do their first workout ever, and some are seasoned fitness professionals, with a fantasitc mix of people in between those 2 extremes.

There is rarely a 'perfect' time in life to do something. Whether its 'gettting yourself fit and healthy', leaving an unpleasant career to pursue your true passion, moving to a new country or getting divorced, there is no perfect time to do it. 'Perfect' is what you make from it. Your mindset has more to do with what is 'perfect' than anything else.

Take a look at your life, step outside of yourself and have a talkj with 'you'. What do you want for yourself? Where do you want to be in a year, 2 years or 10 years. This applies to all facets of your life - its yours to do what you want with it, only yours.

WHEWW!! Sorry if some of that was vague - but I think you got it.

Thanks for all your feedback on the new name choices - It looks like 'The Fitness Shaman' has the popular vote with the worldwide audience (it will also sound good on Oprah and Dr Phil)... and on that note please take a look at the new site - its about 90% done - I think you'll enjoy it.

All feedback is appreciated - and if you like what you see please forward a link to the site to everyone you know.

Don't Be Like Everybody Else... Be Fit !
Joey Atlas - The Fitness Shaman


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