The Fitness Advisory - from Joey Atlas

Proper Mindset + Wise Nutrition + Smart Exercise = Fitness Success For You

Friday, October 19, 2007

Total Fitness - Beyond the Workouts

What we feed our cells has so much to do with our health and wellness. What you do for your workouts is an essential element to total fitness - but what you feed your body reaches to levels so deep they can't be seen with the naked eye. What/how we eat can make or break us.

Many of you already know about the Fitnessjuice(TM) concept and how it came about. It's another project I'm working on along with several others. As I do my 'homework' to find out what it takes to launch a true fitness beverage so I can plan and execute properly - there is a lot I'm learning that can benefit you too. I've come across so many articles with vital fitness promoting info - that most people would miss if you weren't specifically looking for it. I'll share some of them here today...

First here is a beverage industry article with some great quotes from various sources - This article reinforces most of my philosophy about nutrition and about most of the products already in the market place, it also highlights a few of the key reasons why I started formulating my own 'fitness beverage':

Fake Fitness Beverages?

logo design(TM)

If you've been a client or subscriber long enough - you know my views on clean foods - more specifically - organics versus non-organically produced foods and beverages. [So much happens at the cellular level when it comes to our health and longevity that it makes so much common sense to put the cleanest nutrients as possible into our bodies....]

Over the past year we've noticed Walmart adding more organic items to their stores - which hold many issues and opinions - In general I think its great - but read this article to hear a few more perspectives:

Every Body Wants Organic Foods (and Drinks)

Here is another article about some of the differences between organic foods and non-organic foods (This whole site has great info and blog posts.):

You Might Become What You Eat

Well - I have more but I don't want to overload you with too much reading material.

Regarding my book - we just finished Chapter 4 and Ch. 5 will be done next week - at this pace the book should be released in January or February - It's gonna be a good one.

Don't Be Like Everybody Else... Be Fit!

Joey Atlas


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