The Fitness Advisory - from Joey Atlas

Proper Mindset + Wise Nutrition + Smart Exercise = Fitness Success For You

Friday, January 25, 2008

Pregnancy Fitness - An Article for Moms (and Mums)

Pregnancy Fitness - An Article for Moms (and Mums)

I strongly believe that some of the best trainers and lifestyle coaches are people who have been on the opposite end of the fitness spectrum - like myself going from 'fat kid' to fitness pro. Here is another such person who has become very popular by helping moms (and mums) get healthy and fit. Read on...

Submitted by Author and Certified Personal Trainer, Holly Rigsby:

"Prior to becoming pregnant, the extent of my fitness routine included a breakfast of 3-5 doses of doses of diet pills, and hour of yoga, light lunch and a satisfying dinner. I somehow managed to keep myself "thin" by avoiding any type of healthy eating or exercise plan. I am emphasizing the word THIN for by no means was I fit and healthy. I did understand that once the topic of "Let's have a baby" arose in a conversation I was having with my husband at the time, that I need to get my body healthy. The first thing I did was drop the diet pills trading them out for folic acid and prenatals and I begrudgingly began the habit of eating breakfast...

- You can read the rest of Holly's story at her website: Sexy Mommy Again - but first take a look at her her 'before and after photos and read the fantastic article she submitted to help moms (and mums) in their efforts at fitness and health improvement...

105LBS Skinny but Unhealthy ===========> 159LBS - 9mos preg.

Getting better - getting 'fitter'

Holly Being a Fit Mommy (or Mummy)

Here is Holly's article:

Skinny Jean Strategies: 5 Powerful Moves for Moms to Reshape Problem Areas

After having a baby, a new mom’s desire to “get back to normal” is of utmost concern. The timeless measure of our success seems to hinge on the “skinny jeans” we keep in our closet. Sadly, many moms hold on to those jeans for years as they slowly begin to accept that their body will never be the same. After several failed attempts at weight loss it is quite easy to fall into this limiting mindset.

You do not have to settle for the out of shape “mommy body”. Getting your body back after birth is not only achievable but comes with benefits no mom should be without – increased self-confidence, loads of energy and a positive outlook on life ~ just to name a few.

Lack of time is consistently the number one reason why many new moms fail to lose the baby weight. However the most damaging reason why moms struggle is because they are falling prey to two of the biggest fat loss myths:

1. cardio as the end all be all answer to fat loss
2. shaping exercises or “spot reduction”– working a specific body part will burn the fat

Not only are moms wasting their precious time, but these strategies are completely ineffective methods for losing the lingering baby fat.

When it comes to your implementing a fat burning workout, your goal is to work your muscles. The more muscles you work, the higher your metabolism, the more easily you can burn the stubborn fat and a result in a lean, toned body that slips easily into those skinny jeans!

What follows are 5 powerful moves to help you effectively reshape your problem areas so you can reclaim your pre-baby body and look and feel fabulous!

1. Get Into Intervals. Getting back to normal does not mean you have to work longer and harder. When it comes to cardio and fat loss, it’s less about the number of calories you burn while you workout and more about the calories you burn all day long. Traditional cardio does little to nothing to boost your metabolism and in fact the longer your session, scientific studies have shown that your body begins to become more efficient by breaking down muscle for fuel. Intervals are the perfect solution! The shorter, more-intense your session, the more calories you burn and you preserve lean muscle, which will make you look tight and lean as you reach your goals. In addition, the shorter, more intense sessions will have a more profound effect on the calories you continue to burn 24 hours after completing your interval session. Great if you are a busy mom who is short on time! The best “skinny jean” intervals are walking/running on an incline, using a Stairmaster or my favorite – Sprints!

2. The Squat: The single most effective lower body exercise for it is a compound movement –works more than one muscle group at a time. The squat targets every major muscle in your upper leg – the front and backs of your things – your glutes – the muscles in your bottom- PLUS the muscles in your back and your core! Movements that work many muscles at once will burn more calories, increase your metabolism, tone and strengthen your lower body so you see and feel results faster. If you are just starting out, body weight squats are just as effective as squats with weights.

3. Lunges: Next to squats, lunges are the next best thing for strengthening and toning your glutes and thighs. This is also a compound movement so you will experience similar benefits. There are many ways to do lunges. You can begin with static lunges and progress to more dynamic versions such as the forward and reverse lunge.

4. Strengthen Your Core: I Want to Get Rid of My Mommy Belly! Yes, the lovely bulge that hangs over our jeans. It’s vital to understand that the best Ab exercises in the entire world will only work to strengthen your core muscles. You must use the strategies designed to make your body lose the fat that COVERS your abs in order to get results.
Doing “abs” as part of your routine is beneficial for strength purposes but doing hundreds of crunches a day will do nothing to flatten your tummy. Planks, Push Ups and wood chops for example do so much more to help your fat loss efforts. Remember the key is to recruit as many muscles as possible so use all of the muscles that wrap around your core, and you will burn more calories, boost your metabolism and shrink your mommy belly faster.

5. You are What You Eat:
The move you can make that has just as much impact – if not more – than your total body, metabolism boosting workouts is the action that takes place between your hand and your mouth. It is time to stop eating for two and time to trade the junk for more supportive choices – quality proteins, fresh produce and whole grains. And yes, you need to eat. It is impossible to boost your metabolism and impossible for your body to release fat if you only eat once or twice a day. Make sound choices, eat every 3 to 4 hours and you will notice a huge difference in the shape of your belly, thighs and bottom!

Finally, as you begin your pre-baby body transformation, be sure your focus is to lose fat – not pounds. This makes a huge difference in how you measure your results and more importantly – how you look in your skinny jeans!

Holly Rigsby, CPT, MAT America's #1 Fat Loss Expert for Busy Moms and the author of Fit Yummy Mummy (see Sexy Mommy Again . She has helped hundreds of Mom's effectively lose the lingering baby fat and get their pre-baby body back. Don't miss her Free Report: Top 5 Busy Mom Metabolism Boosters.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Re: FREE Fitness Audio Series Below...

NOTE - all who sign up for the free 9 week series below will have the option of listening to each call in streaming audio via the internet - if you do not wish to pay for the phone time to hear the calls in real time.

Monday, January 07, 2008

FREE Audio Telelseminar Series with 18 BIG Names

OK - just like I mentioned last week - here is one of the big teleseminar series I have been invited to participate in - and just like I promised - you get free access to all the calls.

I'll remind you - that you'll be offered the chance to actually purchase the MP3 downloads and PDF transcripts after you enter your name to reserve your spot on the calls - but YOU NOT OBLIGATED to do so - pretty cool huh?

NOTE - all who sign up for the free 9 week series below will have the option of listening to each call in streaming audio via the internet - if you do not wish to pay for the phone time to hear the calls in real time. Each call will accessible for FREE for a 24 hour period.

My Interview is on Jan 21st - but the first one is on the 14th.

Spaces are limited since the calls are being offered to you at no charge - so click the link and go see the amazing line-up of speakers - you'll have a chance to reserve your spot at the bottom of the page when you get there.

18 Expert Audio Series - ALL FREE FOR YOU <== click here to sign up

As I mentioned - I'm involved in several of these - and you get to have access to all of them for free - you only pay if you want to have your own downloadable library of MP3s and PDF files. Stay tuned for announcements of the other ones.

"Be Fit!" - Joey Atlas

PS - Stay tuned for some MAJOR announcements from me in the next week regarding the Leg, Butt, Hip and Thigh Makeover(TM) program.

PPS - I've been getting inquiries about me doing a 'Joey Atlas Only' Multi-Media Coaching program in the early spring to get people ready for the summer once and for all. If you are interested in this as well - leave a post here (below) - just click on comments --- or you can just send us an email.