The Fitness Advisory - from Joey Atlas

Proper Mindset + Wise Nutrition + Smart Exercise = Fitness Success For You

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Fitness Photos, A 3 Minute Fitness Video & Fitness Fraud

1) Fitness Photo - 2 Year Old In Training For Major Event

2) Three Minute Fitness Video

3) Fitness Fraud

(NOTE - I'm typing this blazingly fast - so forgive me for the typos)

1) Fitness Photo - 2 Year Old In Training For Major Event

Lat week when I sent out my humorous (was that a typo?) email about stretching exercises for fitness flexibility - I got a lot of emials asking questions about the age range for people who can/should do a complete stretching pogram - some of you expressing surprise about my 2.5 year old, Darah doing the program with me.

Here is Darah - demonstrating the 'Butterfly' srtetch. The major event she is in training for is "LIFE" - thats right, her life, along with her big brother and sister's - (JoJo and Alexa) is a major event - just like mine, Jeri's & just like yours should be (& maybe it is already).

My point here is this - a kid is never too young to teach the ways of protecting the gift of life through fitness... exercise, good nutrition, etc.

Stretching is one of the best ways to do this especially when they are young - and the benefits they get from this are priceless.

Sports at any level are also a great way to help develop healthy habits. Alexa plays soccer and basketball (photos to come soon) and JoJo plays flag football and soccer - the photo below is from a travel team tournament we entered in Ormond Beach, FL - just a couple of weeks ago. They lost every game - but we took many positives from the weekend, and improvement is coming - another aspect of emotional fitness there...

2) Three Minute Fitness Video

Here is a short clip of me this past weekend on Jacksonville's WJXT Ch. 4 - The Morning Show - talking about staying committed to your program and goals (its applicable whether you are trying to lose weight or just get more fit without needing to lose weight). It plays in Windows Media automatically (internet explorer, not Firefox)

--->> The Great Joey Atlas Speaks.

3) Fitness Fraud

Part of this entry has to do with the countless email questions I get every day about fat burning/diet/weight loss supplements and the dangerous 'gray area' in the vitamin/nutritional supplement industry:

About 5 companies (very 'popular' I might add) were recently fined multiple millions of dollars (and I mean Big Bux) - for all kinds of bad stuff - all tied to advertising lies, marketing fraud and flat out ripping people off in various ways.

I'm working on a complete write up about these companies and how this happens and will continue to happen for years to come - all at the consumer's risk!! This write up will be featured in the members area at Best Fitness Advice .com within the next week.

"Hi - This is Darah, Joey's youngest daughter. You probably already know that my daddy is one Smart Dude - especially if you already have some of his DVDs or you are a member of ---- Now, if you don't have any of his stuff - What are you waiting for?

He makes these things for people just like you - he loves helping people - and sometimes he works all hours of the night just to get an important magazine article done or a news segment - or writing plans for the next DVD series - or some other complicated stuff. (He does bathe me & put me to bed almost every night though.)

If you are not sure which DVD programs he makes - they can all be found right here:

My Dad's Awesome Fitness Videos For You

Dont be like everybody else... Be Fit! And if you are already fit - Be Fitter! And start teaching your kids how to be fit, if you have any.

I write well for 2 and half years old, don't I?"

Tuesday, January 09, 2007

Free 12-Week Ultimate Fitness Makeover Program

NOTICE: for Members-

- Here is the link to sign up for the...

Free 12-Week Ultimate Fitness Makeover Program

See you there,

Joey Atlas

Monday, January 08, 2007

Listen To This Free Audio Interview About Your Fitness Success

Listen To This Free Audio Interview About Your Fitness Success...

Click here for access to the free...
==> Best Fitness Advice Audio Interview

Everything below will make even more sense to you...

Joey Atlas

Sunday, January 07, 2007

About the FREE 12-Week Fitness Makeover Tele-Coaching Series

About the FREE 12-Week Fitness Makeover Tele-Coaching Series:

Lots of questions this weekend about the $597.00 bonus that is being offered for FREE to all new members of

People wanting more info, to see if this is for real, who the 12 fitness/self improvement coaches are, etc.

Here are just several of them: (click the blue links to visit their sites)-

Jon Benson:
Author of Fit Over 40

David Grisalfi:
Author of Firm and Flatten Your Abs

Kyle Battis:
Author of Home Gym Secrets

John Berardi:
Author of Gourmet Nutrition
- and creator of Precision Nutrition

Craig Ballantyne:
Author of Turbulence Training

Tom Venuto:
Author of Burn The Fat

And several other big names, such as:

- Me (Joey Atlas)

- Dr. Joe Vitale: (Author of too many books to list here - search for him on

- Kelli Calabrese:
-- Author of 'Feminine, Firm & Fit Body'

Pretty impressive line-up. If you want to be a part of this FREE 12-week, life changing program (it doesn't matter if you are a total beginner or a seasoned fitness pro)- go to Best Health and Fitness Advice and read how...

But hurry up - spots are running low...

See you there,

Joey Atlas

Saturday, January 06, 2007

FDA Approves Diet Drug, Slentrol

FDA Approves Diet Drug, Slentrol

The government approved the first drug for obese canines on Friday. Called Slentrol, the Pfizer Inc. drug is aimed at helping fat Fidos shed extra pounds.

The liquid drug appears to reduce the amount of fat a dog can absorb. It also seems to trigger a feeling of satiety or fullness, according to the FDA.

The prescription drug also can produce some unfortunate side effects, including loose stools, diarrhea, vomiting, lethargy and loss of appetite.

And it's not for dog owners. The FDA discourages the drug's use in humans and lists a litany of side effects should anyone ignore that advice.

Like all diet drugs, Slentrol is meant to be part of an overall weight management program that includes a complete and balanced diet and exercise, according to its label. Slentrol is not a cure for obesity; its effects cease within a day or two of stopping treatment.

Joey's Comments: "It won't be long before this one finds it's way into the 'black market'. There are dozens of drugs, orals and injectables, that are 'for animals only' that humans take for fat loss or muscular enhancement. The 'fitness pharmaceutical' underground has ways of bringing new products into it's distribution system - and there are plenty of customers 'willing to take a chance'...


Want to find 'Fitness Success'?
Go to ==> Health, Fitness and Nutrition Tips

Tuesday, January 02, 2007 is Officially OPEN!

Its Official - the first annoucnement went out today before noon (EST, USA) to all Joey Atlas Clients/Customers:

Best Fitness Advice is open & accepting Charter Members.

It truly is a one of a kind Interactive Fitness Website & its growing everyday.

There are still a few dozen Charter Membership spots available - so go take a look...

See you there,

Joey Atlas